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#176934 - Will was obviously feeling a little left out of the chat so he asked, So, what is the surprise? I'm happy to just be in the room with you! Emma laughed at this comment, Awwww he's so sweet! Pack him up and bring him home! I stuck my tongue out to her and then turned my attention back to Will, Just watch! I took him deep again and began a much firmer, wetter assault on him, spreading lots of spit down the shaft, relaxing my muscles and desperately trying to hold the phone steady. I ADORE my job, I'm good at it, the pay is good and I get a very sexy car! The down side is that we have regular trips to see clients and, when they are in the UK it means we have a few days away but, when they are in Europe, we can be away for over two weeks at a time. He paused as if needing to be meticulous in his words, Secondly, I know you are here for two nights and tomorrow, I finish at twenty hundred hours and maybe, if you want, we could meet when we are both.

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