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#115164 - I cleaned the water from her face and proceeded on my work. Her feet were caught in an underwater sluice gate and by the time she was brought to the surface, she was already beyond hope although I am sure her male friends, teachers and the medics tried hard and enjoyed themselves in the process of giving her mouth to mouth and chest compressions. Apparently, some boys who were running around bumped into her, causing her to inadvertently swallow the entire dumpling that she was chewing on, which obstructed her windpipe.

Read Gay Straight Boys Natsu jiru ch.6 mou...sukinishirou Money Talks Natsu jiru ch.6 mou...sukinishirou

Most commented on Gay Straight Boys Natsu jiru ch.6 mou...sukinishirou Money Talks

Alicia florence
Wow that smile at the end so cute
Eiri nitadori
Well i nutted
Makoto naegi
What the fuck is this shit