Foreskin Aishite Yurashite Shasatsushite! - Axis powers hetalia Gostosa
(SUPER21) [6109 (トキコ)] 愛して揺らして射殺して! (Axis Powers ヘタリア)
#91145 - She had of course processed them as normal, there was no way she could do anything else, but processing a girl she knew for a life as a slave was slightly challenging, especially when they were not their through choice. 00. It was Monday morning and she was tired, her boyfriend had kept her up all night with his never ending demands for sex and the more she protested the harder he insisted and the rougher he treated her! In some ways she was relieved to get to work, at least she was away from him for a few hours although she knew he'd be waiting for her once she got home! On the other hand her current job was not an ideal career choice although it was certainly better than no job at all!Paid jobs for females now days were fairly rare and getting rarer.
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